Wich Manson mansions in Dita
niksy 2006.08.31. 09:13
Question: With the recent edition of the "red room" in your home, it is apparent that you are very comfortable with the new '30s cabaret-esque image taht you're portraying. Do you find the image/lifestyle of the "Arch Dandy" to be more fun to live than that of your previous images?
Answer: Recent? Anyone who knows me, knows that I always have a red room. My apartment in New Orleans is pictured in ACSS. In fact, I have two in this house. It's funny people see this as new, but Marilyn Monroe and '30s Hollywood have always been fascinating to me. I went through my latex/b&d phase in "Sweet Dreams," and had the whole WWII pilot helmet. People seem to look too much into the color of my walls. My new image is the most "me" of all and it fits well. It has alwyas been there waiting to be found and now it is alive. I really was drawn to Dita because of my love for the '30s and '40s. People assume she brainwashed me into liking this overnight. I do find her as a very positive muse in my life and this is the most creative time I've ever experienced.